The WhisperingShiba project takes pride not only in design and artistic excellence, but also in persistence in pushing forward the standards of domestic technology for collective good.
Current top priority research frontiers:
WhisperingShiba develops technologies pertaining to automation, decentralized manufacturing, construction and repeatable high density-low infrastructure land utilization (suburbia 2.0). The project believes that the brightest minds should work on optimizing and widely disseminating optimizations for very practical projects, instead of taking a philosophical/intellectual approach to changing the world. The project also acknowledges the need for fun and ease, and therefore, develops utilities for music visualization and art which are typically published publicly.
By applying simplicity, patience and forward thinking, home automation can be truely intelligent and low expense instead of "smart"
Life is more than a game of minecraft, and the WhisperingShiba project strives to expand the potentials of artistry in multiple fields, including digital art visualizations, product finishing, mechanical design, prop making for film sets or music videos and high fidelity art manufacturing